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Northstar ADK


Northstar ADK


Where do you want to go? If your sense of curiosity takes you up narrow streams or under low-hanging trees to explore hidden coves, the ADK is the canoe for you. Extremely lightweight for impulsive paddles, never a struggle to load this boat on the car. Sitting low in the water, feel free to use your kayak paddle. Your heavy kayaks will collect dust in the garage.

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Length: 12’

Width: 28lbs

StarLite Weight: 20lbs

BlackLite Weight: 21lbs

WhiteGold Weight: 28lbs

Optimal Load: 100-250lbs

Available Layups:

BlackLite (Black carbon weave)

StarLite (Northstar proprietary Aramid weave)

WhiteGold (Ruby or Emerald)